Art Public Montréal was among the most popular cultural efforts of 2015.
Many representatives of the Montréal cultural community gathered this morning at Montréal city hall to celebrate all the accomplishments of 2015. An annual publication, Coup d’oeil Montréal métropole culturelle provides a highly illustrated presentation of a hundred productions which help attain the objective of celebrating this creative, accessible, organized, memorable, united, influential and open cultural metropolis, resilient and constantly renewing itself.
Montréal – Organized city
Through creation of a unique partnership, Art public Montréal has been recognized among the innovative and unifying projects of 2015. The project captured the heart of Ms. Manon Gauthier, who is responsible for culture, heritage, design, Space for Life, as well as the status of women. “A powerful mechanism for art and culture, Art Public Montréal is a testimony to the extraordinary creativity of our artists and confirms the metropolis’s status of open-air museum.” (Coup d’oeil, p.18). Ms. Gauthier added that this project has allowed culture to become an integral part of the development of our neighbourhoods, making art accessible for everyone.
Coup d’oeil is available on the following website: http://coupdoeil.montrealmetropoleculturelle.org/en