{"title":"Tribute to Lea Roback | Art Public Montr\u00e9al","thisUrl":"https:\/\/artpublicmontreal.ca\/en\/oeuvre\/hommage-a-lea-roback\/","body_class":"apm_artwork-template-default single single-apm_artwork postid-62959 apm lang-en apm-full-js nav-env-classic","query_hud":null,"active_filter":null,"alternate_language_url":"https:\/\/artpublicmontreal.ca\/oeuvre\/hommage-a-lea-roback\/","clear_filter_collection":0,"clear_filter_tour":"clear","data_attributes":{"data-view-type":"apm_artwork"},"filter_root_url":"\/collection\/","artworkNav":false,"mapMarkers":[{"id":62959,"slug":"hommage-a-lea-roback","title":"Tribute to Lea Roback","permalink":"https:\/\/artpublicmontreal.ca\/en\/oeuvre\/hommage-a-lea-roback\/","year":"2014","loc":{"lat":45.52067679999999683104761061258614063262939453125,"long":-73.5862178999999940742782200686633586883544921875},"artist_names":"<strong>HSIX<\/strong>","thumb":"https:\/\/artpublicmontreal.ca\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/5_2-150x150.jpg","infoBox":false,"cat_color":"#e50f09","env":"outdoor","singleArtwork":true}]}
Hsix has been doing graffiti in Montreal since he was 14 years old. Over the last few years, he’s produced artistic murals that are less graffiti oriented. He specialises in colourful but realistic representations of faces.
The Plateau-Mont-Royal neighbourhood has three tribute murals putting forth a militant or an unknown event that has marked Montreal popular history. This mural by Carlos Oliva (Hsix) is a realist portrait of Léa Roback (1903-2000). On the background is a flyer printed in two languages (French, Yiddish) for an assembly on the International Workers’ Day of May 1st 1930. A daughter of Polish Jew migrants, Léa Roback is a memorable figure of the textile women workers strike of Saint-Laurent Boulevard in 1039, also called the “Shop Girls Strike”. Her actions for the rights of women workers were crucial for the feminist movement in Montreal and Quebec.
The wall wasn’t chosen randomly for this mural. 4502 Saint-Dominique Street is located half way between two historic key sites for the Shop Girls Strike : 160 Saint-Viateur East (a strike took place there in 1937) and 3575 Saint-Laurent Boulevard (ex-general quarters of the International Union of Ladies Garment Workers). (Source : http://esuqam.com/tag/murale/)