Pierre E. Leclerc est diplômé de l’Université Concordia en beaux-arts et du Massachussetts Institute of technology (MIT) en architecture. En parallèle à sa carrière en architecture, Pierre E. Leclerc a été impliqué dans la création d’une vingtaine d’oeuvres intégrées à l’architecture et à l’environnement. Depuis 1984, il a exposé son travail en arts visuels et en architecture dans le cadre de plusieurs expositions et symposiums en France, en Belgique, aux États-Unis et au Canada.

Artwork description
Framed in anodized aluminum, the colourful glass panels by artist and architect Pierre E. Leclerc is visible from far away. They are attached to the corner of the extension of école Léonard-De Vinci, housing the kindergarten and junior elementary portion of the school, on the playground wall along boulevard Crémazie. The artwork projects from the building exterior, both horizontally and vertically.
It is comprised of bands of primary colours, yellow and blue, reflecting the building panels. The intensity of the colours varies with the sunlight. Their reflections on the red brick wall visually modify the colour of the bricks. Laser-cut stainless steel shapes with a reflective finish are inserted between glass panels, suggestive of the piece’s name, Jeux de cours, or playground games. Geometric shapes—circles and ovals—refer to the games pupils play in the school yard: ball games, ground games such as hopscotch, skipping rope. Other shapes form alphanumeric characters—a series of letter and numbers—suggesting the learning that goes on inside.