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SpY - Crédit photo : Rubén P. Bescós
SpY is a Spanish urban artist born in Madrid in the 1970s, considered one of the pioneers of street art in Spain. He began his artistic career in the 1980s as a graffiti artist, making his mark on the street scene with his distinctive, provocative style. Over the years, SpY has broadened his scope from traditional graffiti to more conceptual urban interventions.
Government of Québec through the Fonds signature métropole, Tourisme Montréal through the Fonds pour les initiatives ponctuelles in partnership with Place des Arts
steel (for the structure) and polished steel for the 90 discs
The sculpture’s complex surface, composed of 90 convex polished steel disks, reflects the surrounding space, generating a sophisticated kaleidoscopic effect. With its dynamic, minimalist style, SpY invites viewers to reconsider their perception of space, movement and light.
His intervention in Montreal transforms public space into a stage for active reflection, constant interaction and contemplation, redefining the relationship between art and its environment.
The appearance of the artwork changes progressively throughout the day and night, presenting very different qualities as the light changes. The work incorporates light and plays with the sculpture’s forms, bringing it to life. Each day, at sunset, a layer of integrated light adds a new dimension to the work, making it a living, multi-sensory and attractive work of art. With its lights, the work is transformed into a unique experience that will become a sought-after Montreal landmark.
This large-scale project is led by MURAL and made possible thanks to the financial support of the Quebec government through the Fonds signature métropole, and of Tourisme Montréal through the Fonds pour les initiatives ponctuelles, in partnership with Place des Arts.