Cégep Marie-Victorin
In 2006, Cégep Marie-Victorin inaugurated its Parc de sculptures, displaying the work of Jean Brillant for an entire year. Beginning with this first initiative, the cégep continues to develop its sculpture garden today, and it has become a reference point for artistic representation. Cégep Marie-Victorin has always placed great emphasis on art in all its forms, including with the sheer number of different art programs it offers: visual arts; interior design; graphic arts; arts, literature and communications; music.
Originally a private college, Marie-Victorin became a public cégep in 1993. It offers quality education in a stimulating and human-scaled setting. Its more than 600 employees are proudly committed to ensuring the educational success of the 4000 students who attend its regular educational programs and the 3000 adult students registered in the Continuing Education and corporate training programs.