Press Release (Palais des congrès)
Montréal, March 9, 2016 — As the Featured Partner for March, the Palais des congrès de Montréal is pleased to take part in the city’s initiative to make public art a component of Montréal’s brand, for both leisure and business tourists. Launched in October 2015, the portal features over 600 works of art across the Montréal territory the public can find in parks, metro stations or public buildings, showcasing the artists and offering theme-based tours and discovery packages.
Some of these works are housed in the Palais des congrès. Says Amélie Asselin, communications and public relations advisor at the Palais des congrès de Montréal: “We are proud to contribute to and promote Québec knowhow and culture, and to be able to display it before the 800,000 business tourists who visit the Palais each year and give them opportunity to enjoy a memorable cultural experience in Montréal.”
Translucide, Jean-François Cantin
This work of art speaks to the Palais’ vocation as a place where people simultaneously pass through and come together, where points of view are shared and perceptions mingle. Inside the main glass façade, a hand and face evoke the connection between human senses and human thought.
Éolienne V, Charles Daudelin
This “mobile” features five steel masts anchored onto a circular concrete basin. A long rod sits atop each mast, and the rods spin and bend whenever the wind blows. The vertical, linear installation is meant to contrast with the surrounding architecture, nearby expressway and crowded space, while the basin affords the artwork its own well-defined expanse.
Lipstick Forest, Claude Cormier et associés
Patterned after the hundred-year old maples that line the avenues in the old city, our forest is perfectly adapted to the futuristic environment of the Palais des congrès. The hand-cast trunks hover between the concrete slabs of floor and ceiling, on a site straddling the underground Ville-Marie expressway. A positive symbol of the reality of nature in our contemporary world, Lipstick Forest might be artificial, but it’s definitely not fake.
Ailes couleur du temps, nuage de soleil, Micheline Beauchemin
Suspended from a trapeze of synthetic cables, this creation is composed of 7,000 polished silver aluminum rods 4 to 20 feet high and 38 feet long.
Over and above the collections exhibited in the city’s various museums, Montréal enjoys a rich and diversified public cultural heritage from all types of artists. One of the reasons why Montréal’s cultural scene is so lively and dynamic.
About the Palais des congrès de Montréal
Recipient of the AIPC Gold Quality Standards certification, the highest in the convention industry, and also shortlisted by the AIPC for the World’s Best Congress Centre award, the Palais des congrès de Montréal attracts and hosts conventions, exhibitions, conferences, meetings and other events, and generates major economic benefits for Québec. www.congresmtl.com