Alexandre Taillefer
Alexandre Taillefer is a serial entrepreneur who started and expanded several projects over the years, all of which were integral to Montreal’s and Quebec’s cultural landscape. Known publicly since his appearance on the television show, “Dans l’Oeil du Dragon”, he is the principal associate at XPND Capital, an independent investment fund involved in the industries of transport electrification, technology, media, and entertainment. As a relentless defender of culture, he presides several boards of directors, notably those of the Montreal Piloting Committee, of Voir Communications, of gsmprjct, and of the Musée d’art contemporain, which has experienced a significant revitalization since his arrival in 2012. Finally, he never hesitates to share his ideas and his passion with the world by getting involved in various sectors of Quebec’s cultural environment, whether it be as a public speaker, or by penning a socially engaged column for the newly revamped monthly publication Voir.