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Greater Montréal
{"title":"Marie-Justine Snider | Art Public Montr\u00e9al","thisUrl":"https:\/\/\/en\/coup-de-coeur\/marie-justine-snider\/","body_class":"apm_favorite-template-default single single-apm_favorite postid-67929 apm lang-en apm-full-js nav-env-classic single-entry-archive","query_hud":null,"active_filter":null,"alternate_language_url":"https:\/\/\/coup-de-coeur\/marie-justine-snider\/","clear_filter_collection":"clear","clear_filter_tour":"clear","data_attributes":{"data-view-type":"apm_favorite"},"filter_root_url":"\/collection\/","mapMarkers":[]}
5 Artworks
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Marie-Justine Snider

Marie-Justine Snider has been the curator for the art collections of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec and its subsidiary, Ivanhoé Cambridge since 2004.

She is responsible for acquisitions and management of the two collections. She also sits on the Boards of Directors of the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal and the Fondation Giverny pour l’art contemporain. From 2000 to 2004, she was the curator of the Hydro-Québec art collection.

Marie-Justine Snider holds a bachelor’s degree in art history and a master’s in museology from the Université du Québec à Montréal.

Marie-Justine’s fifth choice is comprised of the sculptures of the first Symposium international de sculpture en Amérique du Nord (1964) on Mont-Royal, including the following artworks:

La force, Armand Vaillancourt, Sans titre, Augustin Cardenas, Les sœurs Cardinales de Yerassimo Sklavos, Sans titre de Josef Pillhofer, Sans titre de Krishna Reddy, L’ange de pierre de Pierre Szekely, Sans titre Carlos Sergio Signorini, Optimax de kosso Eloul, Le carrousel sauvage de Louis Chavignier.

During the 1964 symposium, the artists worked simultaneously, without constraints, in a kind of open-air studio, accessible to the public. Today, a collection of 11 pieces can still be found on Mont-Royal.

Geneviève Cadieux
Nicolas Baier
Shirley Witebsky