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Greater Montréal
Greater Montréal
{"title":"The Appendices | Art Public Montr\u00e9al","thisUrl":"https:\/\/\/en\/coup-de-coeur\/the-appendices\/","body_class":"apm_favorite-template-default single single-apm_favorite postid-57883 apm lang-en apm-full-js nav-env-classic single-entry-archive","query_hud":null,"active_filter":null,"alternate_language_url":"https:\/\/\/coup-de-coeur\/les-appendices\/","clear_filter_collection":"clear","clear_filter_tour":"clear","data_attributes":{"data-view-type":"apm_favorite"},"filter_root_url":"\/collection\/","mapMarkers":[]}
5 Artworks
Favorites of

The Appendices

Les Appendices is a group of Québec absurdist comics, with five members: Dave Belisle, Jean-François Chagnon, Julien Corriveau, Dominic Montplaisir and Jean-François Provençal. They have been collecting nominations for television and humour awards for the last several years. Les Appendices are multidisciplinary artists. In addition to performing on television, they are also writers/composers/performers and have performed live in various cities across the province.

Their favorites:

Dominic Montplaisir : Mélangez le Tout (2011), de Cooke-Sasseville
Julien Corriveau : Obélisque en hommage à Charles de Gaule (1992), Olivier Debré
Jean-François Chagnon : La Voie Lactée (1992), de Geneviève Cadieux
Dave Bélisle : Nacelle (2009), Pierre Blanchette
Jean-François Provençal : Homo Urbanus (2005), de Éric Lamontagne

Geneviève Cadieux
Pierre Blanchette
Éric Lamontagne