{"title":"Diversit\u00e9 | Art Public Montr\u00e9al","thisUrl":"https:\/\/artpublicmontreal.ca\/en\/oeuvre\/diversite\/","body_class":"apm_artwork-template-default single single-apm_artwork postid-65374 apm lang-en apm-full-js nav-env-classic","query_hud":null,"active_filter":null,"alternate_language_url":"https:\/\/artpublicmontreal.ca\/oeuvre\/diversite\/","clear_filter_collection":0,"clear_filter_tour":"clear","data_attributes":{"data-view-type":"apm_artwork"},"filter_root_url":"\/collection\/","artworkNav":false,"mapMarkers":[{"id":65374,"slug":"diversite","title":"Diversit\u00e9","permalink":"https:\/\/artpublicmontreal.ca\/en\/oeuvre\/diversite\/","year":"2017","loc":{"lat":"45.4526892","long":"-73.57314209999998"},"artist_names":"<span>Benny<\/span> <strong>Wilding<\/strong>, <span>Ankh<\/span> <strong>One<\/strong>","thumb":"https:\/\/artpublicmontreal.ca\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/07\/Verdun_Final-1-Credit-Frederic-Bouchard-150x150.jpg","infoBox":false,"cat_color":"#e50f09","env":"outdoor","singleArtwork":true}]}
Benny Wilding discovers his love for the arts for the first time in New York, at the age of 12, in the middle of the ’90s. Highly impressed by the painted walls criss-crossing the city that never sleeps, he returns to Montreal with the desire to shine in this new graffiti culture. Pursuing his new passion in all of its aspects, within his city and its surroundings, today he is more and more interested in aesthetic and artistic approaches and painting large scale murals.
Benny Wilding’s work is akin to American pop art, with references to comics, advertising and commercial lettering. The mural or the painting is constructed by surprising contrasts and associations. His studies in computer graphics and 3D animation certainly have an impact in his artistic approach.
At the beginning of the 90s, ankh started doing graffiti on the walls of his beautiful native city of Grenoble, nestled at the foot of the Alps. It is this mode of expression that led him to the benches of a graphic school, the École Superieure d’Art Appliqué in Troyes. Mastering these newfound institutional techniques, he gradually transposed his pictorial and graphic work to painting, without ever breaking the link to the graffiti culture that motivated this progression. Well versed in graphic design, illustration and painting, he uses all these mediums to represent what he calls “poetry in motion”. In 2001 he joined the reputed Parisian collective, 9e Concept, and later on worked as event coordinator for Orange Telecom. He has also been art director for Graff-It magazine as well as for the fragrance brand Confinluxe. Whether it’s on his canvas or at the workplace, he has a passion for detail and a commitment to quality.