James Lee Chiahan was born in Tainan, Taiwan and is currently working as a visual artist in Montréal, Canada. Interested in capturing moments representative of everyday life that explore the relationship between memory and experience, closeness and distance, James works to create images that are emotionally affecting but difficult to place into words.
Artwork description
A permanent exhibition in the heart of Place Dupuis! This journey of 12 murals is designed as a walking art experience in Place Dupuis, in the heart of downtown Montreal. Composed of works by emerging artists, it is meant to be an artistic and collective adventure that offers visitors the chance to engage actively with art and discover new naturalist painting, exploring the relationship between humans and the natural environment. Bringing art to a place like this provides a real experience for the workers and citizens who pass by every day.
This initiative helps to encourage them to use this walkway, which then becomes an essential part of the downtown area, as well as providing access to art for all. It brings serenity; an unexpected feeling for a permanent visual art exhibition of “in-between places”, which shifts the gaze amidst a harmony of themes and colors.
This project was produced by MU as part of the “J’aime travailler au centre-ville” initiative, launched by the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal (CCMM) with the support of the Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie.