Ruben Carrasco est né et a grandi au Mexique; il a été exposé à l’art dès son plus jeune âge grâce à sa mère, qui a un vif intérêt pour l’art. Sa formation artistique formelle a commencé au Mexique lorsqu’il a rejoint l’Institut des arts visuels. Depuis, il a poursuivi ses études à l’Université Anahuac de Cancun, au Mexique, puis à l’Université McGill et au Collège Dawson à Montréal, au Canada. Au cours de son expérience professionnelle, il a également travaillé comme tatoueur, scénographe, muraliste, photographe, graphiste et artiste numérique. Il a une approche multiforme en termes de technique et de style.
Voyageur du monde, Ruben a vécu à travers l’Europe et l’Amérique en travaillant et en exposant dans divers pays. Actuellement, il est basé à Montréal où il a collaboré avec le consulat général du Mexique en tant que membre du jury du comité d’évaluation des expositions d’art pour «Espacio México». De plus, Ruben a fondé le collectif international d’artistes “5 Wolves No Pigs” et a cofondé les festivals d’art FIAP et IPAF.

Artwork description
To create this mural “I started with the idea of creating something related to the sports center: sport was therefore the starting point. Still linked to the environmental issue, I decided to combine the narrative of the first Black Ours mural (Avenue Marchand) with a more descriptive integration of elements representative of cultural diversity. I wanted to include literature, which has an obvious relationship between cosmogony and the First Nations. Animals are mentioned throughout the texts, speaking of the importance of nature and the rest of the beings that inhabit it.
“Lacrosse” as it is known today is a traditional sport played by First Nations before the arrival of Europeans. In the myths, it is said that this game was originally played by the creators and by different species of animals with different purposes, some ritualistic and political, but also linked to natural phenomena. The artist therefore decided to create a character that would represent a “Lacrosse” player, a hybrid of ornaments and animals that end in the legs of an Aztec goddess named Coatlicue, who has, among other attributes, the representation of mother earth.
The aesthetic of this mural fuses ornaments, inspired by different Amerindian cultures, not only by the visual characteristics that distinguish these civilizations, but also by the similarity of the values and concepts they share in relation to the earth and the origin of the universe.”