ASHOP PRODUCTIONS is a street art production and artists management agency based in Montreal. Now internationally renowned, it is the result of the work and dedication of the ASHOP CREW, which has managed to ensure the success and growth of the company for 10 years now. Its mission is to produce large-scale public art projects and highlight the talent of the artists they represent. To this day, ASHOP has at its disposal creative spaces and produces as many murals as custom art projects in several international cities, such as Montreal, Toronto, Miami, Los Angeles, Paris, and Hong Kong.

Artwork description
This huge 29 x 5 meters mural is on the west wall of the Mercier Library at 8105 Hochelaga street. An original creation by Ankh One, Dodo Ose and Zek One, it is inspired by the mutiple cultural activities showcased within the library: dance, film, sculpture, poetry, origami and of course, graffiti art, each find their place within the composition
of the mural. The Muse and the Sage characters represent the spontaneous inspiration and calculated reflection that are at the base of any successful artistic creation. These two opposing forces complement each other in the passionate expression of creativity. The area that encompasses the Muse is more organic and free-flowing,
whereas the section inhabited by the Sage is decorated with linear elements that are more typical to the left hemisphere of the mind. This wall took a total of 14 days to accomplish with three of Montreals best muralists working at it full time.