Montreal artist Romain Boz has been passionate about graffiti for 20 years. After having studied sociology and then graphic design, typography and calligraphy, he co-founded Garbage Beauty in 2011, an activist calligraffiti collective, and Les Hommes de Lettres in 2013, a collective of artists with whom he has created many murals and done various artistic interventions.
Artwork description
This mural was created by the artist Romain Boz on Hochelaga Street, in the Tétreaultville district. It is part of the Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve borough’s revitalization and beautification initiatives. The work was inspired by discussions between artist Romain Boz and local residents at several meetings organized by MU. MU art educators and the artist also went out to meet young people and citizens at the Tétro en fête neighbourhood party to offer T-shirt silkscreening and drawing workshops.